Hermés - Buy Preloved Authentic Designer Used & Second Hand Bags, Wallets & Accessories.

Buy pre-owned authentic designer second hand Hermés bags, purses and accessories at the Nest, safe in the knowledge that everything is 100% authentic, 100% fabulous and always 100% honestly described.

All aspects of condition are photographed clearly and the details provided in the listings but if you require larger photos, (I know if you're viewing on a phone it can be hard to see), just let me know!

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 results
Iconic in its simplicity and crafted from a soft, supple, deeply pebbled hide in a stunning violet pink shade, this beautiful medium sized Evelyne is accompanied by a baby pink, felt Liner.
Brand New. A classic, wide-width bracelet inlaid with natural toned lizard skin. An outstanding, exotic piece.